Premier Stainmaster, Trinity Avenue, Dusted

Plush Carpet Flooring Dealers In Wilmington

If you're thinking about buying new carpet flooring, look at Polyester carpet. There are so many carpet styles to choose from in our Floor Concepts Flooring Store. Polyester is a flooring type that is a popular choice amongst those looking to add beautiful plush stylish carpet to their home.  It is economically friendly and a great choice when looking for a stylish fit. This will be easy to find tons of beautiful polyester carpeting that you can put in every room, most definitely love it.

Polyester carpeting is not a good choice to use in high-traffic areas, so it’s best to consider putting this type of carpet in spaces that aren’t traffic areas to help increase lifetime.

From shopping to purchasing to a professional installation, the Pro’s at Floor Concepts will work with you focusing on all the details and committed to exceeding your expectations.

Floor Concepts
4315 Kirkwood Highway
Wilmington, DE 19808
(302) 279-5940