Nourison Bamboo Luxury Wool Carpet

Wilmington Flooring Store Carries Polyester Carpet 

Floor Concepts carries polyester carpeting which is a favorite amongst those looking for a softer and stain-resistant carpet for their home here in Wilmington. 

Polyester carpet can be made from recycled products and typically comes with a lower price than nylon carpet making it a great flooring option. You’ll want to put it in every room because of its softness underfoot, but be cautious as it can show wear quicker and maybe not the best choice in higher foot traffic areas.

Polyester carpet comes in many styles and colors and here at Floor Concepts, we can help you find the perfect polyester and nylon carpet to fit your budget and lifestyle.

From shopping to purchasing to a professional installation, the pros at Floor Concepts will work with you focusing on all the details and committed to exceeding your expectations.

Floor Concepts
4315 Kirkwood Highway
Wilmington, DE 19808
(302) 279-5940