At Floor Concepts we have the friendliest flooring experts in town and we are well versed to help our realtor clients.
Our flooring pros have knowledge of material specification, application requirements, and will help make their floor buying clients experience easier and stress free
We take the time to learn about the brands we carry including the pros and cons based on specific applications and provide that information to our customers to help them make a more informed floor buying decision. Which floors hold up better to sunlight, moisture & spills, and even higher foot traffic areas. All important factors to know when making selections for certain rooms in your home.
There is a difference in flooring companies especially the team you work with from the designers in the showroom, to the project managers on site, to the installers making sure of a perfect fit and finish. Our team of dedicated professionals have years of experience and are a trusted source to help our realtor clients get the exact look and feel from their new flooring project.
At Floor Concepts, we have been serving Wilmington, Greenville, Hockessin, Newark, Middletown, Bear, Avondale, New Castle, Kennett Square, Landenberg, Smyrna, Dover, and all surrounding areas for over 39 years!
From shopping to purchasing to a professional installation, the pros at Floor Concepts will work with you focusing on all the details and committed to exceeding your expectations.
Floor Concepts
4315 Kirkwood Highway
Wilmington, DE 19808
(302) 279-5940
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